الاثنين، 26 مايو 2014

Project Manager - Public Financial & Macroeconomic Management Capacity Building Project



1.1   Public Financial Management (PFM) in the Sudan is characterized by inadequate internal control and accounting systems, limited transparency in government processes, the ineffectiveness of procurement and audit, shortage of qualified accounting and auditing staff, absence of a robust legal framework and less than optimal governmental financial control systems. The MoFNE has therefore expressed its desire to re-engineer the business process for Public Financial Management in the Sudan through the acquisition of an integrated financial management information system (IFMIS) as part of its PFM reform agenda. Specifically, the government considers the implementation of IFMIS as an essential element of the PFM reform agenda. Putting in place an IFMIS at Federal level would enable the government to control spending, deficits and achieve greater efficiencies and accountability in the budgeting process.

1.2  The Government of Sudan (GoS), has recently undertaken a number of policy and institutional reforms to address the challenges resulting from the loss of revenues and export earnings from oil resources due to the secession of South Sudan in July 2011. Fiscal, monetary, and exchange reforms were implemented in June 2012 and subsequently in September 2013. In order to partly offset the adverse impact of these reforms on the vulnerable groups, the Government in June 2012 and subsequently in 2013 increased the minimum wage level, and salaries and wages of civil servants, and provided direct financial assistance to 500,000 vulnerable households. The Government has signaled its commitment to pursue further macroeconomic and structural reforms over the medium-term including further fiscal consolidation, reduction in subsidies on petroleum products and ameliorating the effects of these policies on vulnerable households.
1.3  The African Development Bank (AfDB) is a multilateral financial institution which is involved in the development and financing projects in its 54 Regional Member Countries (RMCs) in Africa. The Banks Ten- Year Strategy 2013 – 2022 has identified governance and accountability as foundations needed to achieve inclusive economic growth and reduce poverty. It is against this back drop that the Public financial and macroeconomic management Capacity Building Project (PFM) is recruiting a Project Manager, to undertake implementation of the public financial management project. 
1.4   The Project Manager will be based in Khartoum and attached to the Project Implementation Unit of the PFM project where he/she will report directly to the Project Steering Committee.

The PFM projects aim is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency in debt management and accountability in the use of public resources coupled with improved financial depth and effectiveness and efficiency in macroeconomic planning. The PFM project’s overarching objective is to create the installation of public financial management information system, debt management and Integrated Financial Management Systems and an electronic trading platform that are fully integrated; A business continuity and disaster recovery platform that is functioning satisfactorily; Highly trained staff in debt management, macroeconomic management, accounting, procurement, budgeting (including gender-based budgeting), using multi-year methodology; and enhanced capacity  and supporting skills. In this regard, the Project Manager will ensure the effective implementation of the project activities to ensure achievement of the intended objectives.

The Project Manager will perform the following duties:
 - Prepare a high level implementation plan for this project within 30 days after initiating the work. The plan should include the contracting method and chronogram of execution of all activities to be performed by the project and milestones.
 - Monitor and facilitate compliance with the implementation, legal, financial and technical requirements of the project.
 - Coordinate with the Procurement/Finance Officer and other Implementing Partners in all procurement activities to ensure timely implementation.
 - Undertake the monitoring and evaluation of performance indicators and outcomes against the targets of the project.
 - Establishes standards, tools and procedures for use on the project, including issues, risks, Change and Information Management based on implementation methodology proposed by the implementation partner.
 - Manages data security, software and license control.
 - Assists with and provides guidance on the production of user documentation.
 - Ensures early preparation of Acceptance test schema for all phases and modules being implemented. 
 - Follows up on User sign off on all acceptance tests
 - Management and support of the various implementation platforms.
 - Ensures proper functioning of the hardware and software systems and support.
 - Ensures that required back-up and disaster recovery measures are taken.
 - Contributing to technical strategy, policy and procedure.
 - Leads in the preparation of technical documentation to agreed quality standards
 - Contributes to strategy, policy and procedure.
 - Management of supplier/contractual relationships.
 - Budgetary control of the programme of projects.
 - Monitoring of, and responding to, issues at the functional implementation levels.
 - Provide support [in the form of review and approval] of all documentation and processes, procurement management, financial management, etc of project staff and all Implementing Partners.
 - Review and prepare comments for all the reports/documentation prepared by project staff and other Implementing Partners.
 - Ensure effective communication between the MEM, project staff, Implementing Partners and all other stakeholders.
 - Ensure timely preparation of the quarterly progress report for submission to the Bank
 - In coordination with the project team, prepare the evaluation methods and final selection of consultancy, services, goods, etc.
 - Review procurement plan and ensure updates of the plan are completed periodically.
 - Prepare monthly execution reports for the Bank specifying if the plan of action under i) is being fulfilled and if the Bank’s disbursements are on schedule according to the chronogram of execution of the activities of this project.
 - Oversee the preparation of financial statements and ensure timely external audit of the project. 

The project manager will ensure that the following reports are prepared:
i. Plan of action and chronogram of execution of project activities.
ii. TORs for consultants and project staff, as required.
iii. Monthly execution reports (including financial statements of the project funds)
iv. Monthly performance reports.
v. Quarterly Reports to the Bank
vi. Audited financial statements of the project sent to the Bank
vii. Project Completion Report on f the execution of the project

The candidate will have at least a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a relevant field, with suitable education or advanced training or experience in Public Financial Management (PFM) or Economics or Finance or any relevant discipline. Relevant professional certification is highly desirable. 
The candidate is expected to have at least ten years’ of experience managing large IT projects, preferably finance related in Public or international organization. 
The candidate must be dynamic and goal driven, have good inter-personal skills, strong verbal and written communication skills in Arabic and English, and a proven track record of successful completion of projects.  Sound knowledge of the African Development Bank procurement policies and procedures would be an advantage.

The contract is for a total period of 4.5(four and half) years renewable at the end of each year based on performance.



The Last Date for submission of CVs is Monday in May 26, 2014 at 12:00 Noon

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