الأربعاء، 5 ديسمبر 2012


مدة الكورس 5 أيام - 10 ساعة تدريبية

Course Highlights

This comprehensive hands-on course package is especially designed for beginners new to MATLAB. Beginning with an introduction to MATLAB, the course will first provide participants with a working understanding of MATLAB technical computing environment. Extensive examples will be used to illustrate how to perform common tasks with MATLAB on a step-by-step approach. The last part of the course will delve deeper into sophisticated usage of MATLAB to write user-friendly code.

Course Objectives

The aim of the course is to provide basic knowledge and proper techniques of MATLAB for participants to be able to use MATLAB to solve practical problems.

Who Must Attend

This hands-on course is designed for beginner users. It is especially useful for those who want to gain a fundamental understanding of MATLAB. Engineers, researchers, scientists, and managers working with systems level design will be shown an easy-to-use approach in using MATLAB.

Course Benefits

Upon the completion of the course, the participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of MATLAB as a programming language, which is useful for designing and building their systems.


No prior knowledge of MATLAB is required.

Course Outline

Working with MATLAB User InterfaceObjective: This Chapter introduces the main features of the MATLAB integrated design environment and its user interfaces. Many themes for the course are established in this chapter, to be explored in detail in later chapters.
- Reading data from file
- Saving and loading variables
- Plotting data
- Customizing plots
- Calculating statistics and best-fit line
- Exporting graphics for use in other applications

Variables and Expressions

Objective: This chapter introduces the concept of entering MATLAB commands.Creating and accessing data in variables is emphasized.
- Entering commands
- Creating variables
- Getting Help
- Accessing and Modifying values in variables
- Creating character variables

Analysis and Visualization with Vectors

Objective: This chapter concentrates on performing mathematical and statistical calculation with vectors and creating basics visualizations. The benefit of MATLAB syntax is demostated as it allows for calculations on whole data sets with single command.
- Calculation with vectors
- Plotting vectors
- Basic plot options
- Annotating plots

Working with Data Files

Objective: This chapter considers the common important task of bringing data into MATLAB from formatted files. Because imported files can be wide variety of types and formats, emphasis is given to working with cell arrays and date formats.
- Importing data
- Mixed data types
- Numbers, strings, and dates
- Cell Arrays
- Exporting data

Multiple Vector Plots

Objective: This chapter focuses on making more complex vectors plots; making mulitple plots, and using colour and string manipulation techniques to produce eye-catching visual representations of data.
- Graphics Structure
- Multiple figures, axes and plots
- Plotting equations
- Using color
- Customizing plots

Data Types

Objective:Data types differ from one another in the kind of data they may contain and the way introdues the types that have not been discussed elsewhere in the course, focusing on the syntax for creating variables and accessing array elements. The chapter also discussed methods for converting among data types
- MATLAB data types
- Integers
- Cells Structures
- Function Handles
- Converting types
للتسجيل يرجى الاتصال برقم الموبايل  0913165464
أو رقم التلفون 0155404073
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