الأربعاء، 5 سبتمبر 2012

Logistics Management Training Program

يسر مركز آوتسورس لتدريب نظم الشراء والإمداد دعوتكم لحضور دورته التدريبية بعنوان : 

Logistics Management Training Program
Duration: 10 – 13/9/2012 Time :12:30 – 4:30 PM

Training Objectives:
- Improve and accelerate the logistics operation 
- Reduce supply and logistics operation cost 
- Understanding how to link the transport and warehousing

Training Overview:
- Logistics as Supply Chain Enabler
- Logistics System
- Logistics Planning
- Inbound, Outbound and Reverse Logistics
- Transport, Shipping and Forwarding
- Customer clearance
- Warehouse operation
- Logistics KPIs

Dalia Abu Elhassan Eissa
Certified Trainer by Fritz

للتسجيل او الاستفسار يرجى الاتصال على رقم الموبايل  0960007346 - 0123450447
او مباشرة فى مقر المركز بالخرطوم 2 – شمال شرق أوزون

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