الثلاثاء، 18 سبتمبر 2012

Certified HSE Officer Training Course

By the end of this program you will:
- Define clearly what is HSE, and explain why it is important ?
- Take the initiative and participate at promoting the HSE culture.
- Explain what is accidents and what are the steps of investigating accidents.
- Carry out a real Risk Assessment and hazards identification.
- Get the overall understanding of Fire fighting.
- Explain clearly the big picture of Emergency Response System.
- Know what are HSE relative standards
- Know what is Engineering safety
- Develop an action plan to improve your knowledge and participate at your organization safety programs.

Date & Duration:
Date: 22-09 to 27-09-2012  Time: 04:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Duration: Six days
Fees & Discount:
Fees: SDG 1700/ person “Get 10% discount for two persons and 15% for more than two”

Include: Training materials, extra materials & CD, Meals, coffee breaks and course certificate

Contact Us:
Mobile : 0913501020 - Telephone : 0183 520445

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